august rainbow photo gettysburg

August Rainbow Engagement Session in Gettysburg, PA | Samantha & Matt

August 12, 2022
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As we pulled down the drive that I’d location scouted just last week, the first rain drops began to fall. We hopped back in the cars so as to avoid shirts speckled by the light rain, but after just a minute, decided it was better to face the potential storm and get in what photos we could before it rolled through.

But to our surprise, the rain did not stay and we were met with the most beautiful WHOLE rainbow. From left to right, we saw it all as it sat colorful against a angry dark sky. The gold of the field popped against the backdrop and all I could think of were the golden hills in the Wizard of OZ.

With the stress of rain behind us, we headed further down the paved tour way and spent some time climbing iconic Gettysburg rocks, joined happily by Samantha and Matt’s pup, Stella – the sweetest thing you’ll ever meet.

Stella cooperated SO well and showed up with her good side. She even sat still enough for that priceless ring shot that Sam was so hoping for. PS. Thank you to Sam’s sister, Madison, for coming along to play dog sitter! (I hope you got that dinner they promised!)

Just another year before Sam & Matt’s wedding and I cannot wait to see what we create then!


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